Dark souls 2 dark crypt blacksword
Dark souls 2 dark crypt blacksword

May seem inferior to a greataxe when Dark infused, but two factors set it aside: 130 counter damage and even when dark infused, it receives 40 extra Physical damage from the Ring of Blades or Flynn's Ring, not 25 like most infused basic weapons.When infused with the Dark, the A scaling in Dark turns to S scaling.Bleed Variationīleed Crypt Blacksword +1 ( Petrified Dragon Bone ×1)īleed Crypt Blacksword +2 ( Petrified Dragon Bone ×2)īleed Crypt Blacksword +3 ( Petrified Dragon Bone ×3)īleed Crypt Blacksword +4 ( Petrified Dragon Bone ×4)īleed Crypt Blacksword +5 ( Petrified Dragon Bone ×5) Requires: Crypt Blacksword, Bleed Stone and 2,000 souls for Infusion. Using either the Resonant Weapon or Dark Weapon Hex is also a very good idea in order to further boost the Dark damage. The sword has never seen the light of day, and is steeped in dark. Weapon description Ultra greatsword symbolizing guardianship over the Undead Crypt. This is useful because should an enemy block a player's attack with a shield that has little to no Dark resistance, then most of the damage dealt will go through it and damage the enemy. Weapon Wednesday - Crypt Blacksword This truly beautiful piece of weaponry can potentionally do the most single-hit damage in the game (I'll go further into this in the pros).

Dark souls 2 dark crypt blacksword upgrade#

This is an outstanding upgrade as it will vastly increase the Dark damage by a considerable amount, turning this weapon into almost a Dark damage version of the Moonlight Greatsword. However, should a player have good values of Faith and Intelligence, it is suggested that they infuse this weapon with Dark, as it will instead turn the A value of Dark into S. Upgrades on this weapon will only raise its damage value, and it will raise its D in Strength up to a C, which will only provide a very minute damage increase.

dark souls 2 dark crypt blacksword

It is also amongst the weapons that deal the most Poise damage, at a value of 60. This is a very interesting Ultra Greatsword, and easily stands out for a variety of different reasons, for instance, rather than swinging like other Ultra Greatswords, the Crypt Blacksword possesses a Greataxe's moveset, and it deals a very large amount of Dark damage, as well as having a superior scaling in said element.

dark souls 2 dark crypt blacksword

Crypt Blacksword The Crypt Blacksword is one of the excellent ultra. Acquired from Weaponsmith Ornifex in exchange for Old Dead One Soul and 10,000 souls. ard Sword +10 385 Varangian Sword +10 355 Straight.

Dark souls 2 dark crypt blacksword