Speilgaben’s Math Guide suggested playing this game with three digit numbers as well, but Little Miss isn’t quite ready for that yet! We’ll have to pull out that lesson again later to explore numbers more! 5 more ways to practice greater than/less thanġ. She stayed engaged with this game quite a while… everything is more fun when dice are involved! We did this again and again for a while before upping the challenge level!įor the next activity, we rolled dice with numerals on them, and I had her name the number, count out the same number of pieces and decide if the numbers were more than, less than, or equal.įinally, we practiced comparing two digit numbers by rolling the dice – if she rolled a “6” and a “4” she had to decide which number was larger, 46 or 64 (and, say the numbers, which can be a challenge for a Kindergartener!). I started by putting out small piles of manipulatives so she could count them, and then decide if the piles were equal or if one had more or less objects than the other. We started the lesson by letting her just play around with the pieces (open play is always a great way to start!) and then I explained what those symbols meant. Our Spielgaben set came with a ton of lesson plans and worksheets, so I pulled out the lesson on More than, Less than from the Math Guide and got to work.įirst, I introduced Little Miss to the equality and inequality symbols. So, we brought out our handy Spielgaben set and Math Guide, and got to work!
When I handed her the “more than, less then” worksheets from our math curriculum, I quickly realized that my little girl, who is so obsessed with everything getting the same amount of Frosted Flakes in their cereal bowl, had no idea what the greater than/less than symbols meant, or how to solve the problems. Little Miss is chugging along with her Kindergarten studies!

OPC readers can get a special discount on their manipulative set by reaching out to This post is sponsored by Spielgaben, creators of colorful, heirloom quality educational materials.